Industry Specific Solutions

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Our Flat Rate Program for Credit Card Processing
Our Flat Rate Program for Credit Card Processing
Seeing how complex and, oftentimes, the pricing structure variables can be, we have launched a new plan, unlike any other in the industry, called "ClearViewFlatFixedRate”. This program offers our credit card processing services at an absolutely flat monthly rate, regardless of your processing or sales volume. This plan will help you:
Know Your Rates
Reduce credit card processing charges by 15 to 25%
Eliminate any fluctuations in costs when volume increases
Maintain your merchant account at a fixed, pre-determined, rate
Increase your profits
No Mark-Ups (your business pays the same wholesale costs your processor pays)
No Batch Fees
No Membership Fees
No PCI Compliance Fees
No Set Up Fees
No Reprogramming Fees
No Annual Fees
Free Online Access Reporting
We special flat rate prices for several industries including any and all doctors, restaurants, dry cleaners, automotiverepairservices, and hotels.