Why Do You Need a Merchant Account?
Whether it is a repair and auto service provider or a fuel stations, the customers are more likely to pay through credit cards instead of cash. When people go out on their cars, they are not usually expecting a visit to repair shop. In case they have to, they are not prepared with all the cash. Also, when on a long drive, people prefer not to travel with too much liquid cash in pockets. That is why repair shops and fuel stations must enable themselves to acceptscreditcardpayments.
Fleet/Voyager cards enable the customer’s to charge their fuel and repair and repair costs through company or government issued credit cards. The customer does not have to pay for the services out of their pocket and wait for reimbursement from their company. It is more convenient and enables your business to accept such payments and hence provides you with a competitive advantage over those who can not process Fleet or Voyager cards.
The ClearView Flat Rate Merchant Processing For Automotive Industry
Although credit card processing is very important for business growth, not every merchant account guarantees expected profits. Hidden charges and complicated pricing structures can overshadow the benefits of merchant processing for your automotive business. Moreover, most merchant accounts will charge you more as the volume of transaction increases. This greatly affects the amount of profit you should be makinMerchg with the power of credit card processing.
The Clearviewflatfixedratemerchant processing eliminates all these problems by introducing a transparent pricing system. Understanding the unique nature of the automotive industry, we offer a merchant solution that gives you more profits and benefits than any other package. Here are some of the advantages of our Clearview flat fixed rate processing for automotive industry.
We focus specifically on needs and requirements of automotive industry
We specialize in Fleet/Voyager services and will integrate them seamlessly
Flat fixed rate doesn’t increase with the volume of transactions
Guarantees better profitability and more saving
We offer gift cards and loyalty rewards instead of hidden charges and mark ups
These advantages have certainly given an edge to the automotive service industry.